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The Intuition Development Circle is a monthly mentoring and coaching membership to help you advance your intuition.

Always have a coach and mentor by your side in this monthly membership.

Make Better Decisions With Your Intuition

Great decision making is a combination of both
information and intuition.

If you want to know how to tap into this, click the button below to fill out your name and email to get the free guide "How To Access Your Intuition To Make Decisions"

Sign up above to get this FREE guide.

Intuition is the guide that leads you to your best self,
helps you reach your highest good and is your soul talking to you.

Instead of intuition being a random, make it an intentional process.

The good news using intuition is a process that can be learned and practiced.

Intuition skill building is a proven process that I’ve not only been teaching, but practicing with people and the more you practice, the better you get at it, and it becomes more and more powerful.

The more you practice the more you'll be more accurate and reliable with your intuition.

But the only way that you’re going to get there is by doing good intuition exercises so you can listen to it and follow it to let it guide you versus missing what it is telling you and ignoring it.

Let it guide you, and when you do, that’s when the clarity begins to happen, that’s when the momentum begins to happen.

That’s when the flow begins to happen.

That’s when things, life becomes easy.

That’s when life flows and it’s more at ease, you feel more connected and confident you’re making better life choices because you’ll know what’s right for you.

In Circle you practice the best exercises to grow your intuition skills
whatever stage you’re at whether you are a beginner or advanced.

The Circle practices use the most effective,
least intimidating and
best results producing method
to grow your intuition skills quickly.

What’s in the Circle and why people love it

Each month you’ll get:

Mini-Lesson on the Intuition Exercise of the Month with Lisa –

The Intuition Exercise of the month feature the best intuition exercises that really work. There are good intuition exercises and bad ones. We only do the very best intuition exercises to grow your intuition skill fast. Each month I cover an Intuition Exercise of the month designed to move you along success path to intuition mastery. Every exercise is designed to work for all levels of intuition skill.

Intuition Exercise Guided LIVE Webinar with Lisa –

Work with me and get direct guidance as you do the exercise. In the Circle you get THE Best Intuition Exercises that move you along fast. Plus, you get teacher coaching with every exercise – the practical way to learn what your personal intuition experience is like with the specific guidance to learn what your intuition and gut messages are.

Group Practice Sessions –

Group practice sessions are scheduled and set up to do exercises live with another circle member to help you get that extra practice in if you'd like. Our community of kind and supportive students give you the best opportunity to hone your intuition skills while in a safe supportive environment. These are scheduled in once a month so you can work with different circle members. In this way, you can more live practice in.

Practice Leader Sessions with Lisa's Master Intuitives–

Lisa's Master Intuitives lead small groups of Circle members so you can get extra practice with throughout the month. Work with someone who has made it to the Master level. You’ll have more than enough opportunity to practice at a time that works for you with others and get guidance.

Library of Resources –

Recordings of dozens of past Intuition Exercises and Mini-Lessons, plus bonus material – You’re never behind and there’s no catching up, just select what you’d like and leave the rest.
Examples of resource lessons and bonus material:
How to know what your intuition symbols mean
Easy ways to work with energy to boost your intuition
What intuition really feels like
How to use intuition in your daily life
Cracking the Code: How synchronicities work as intuition signs